FOR 2023 & 2024

Spring/early summer bookings: due to the high demand of our services from September to December there will be no exclusive bookings — we will take up to three birders, or four birders if they all happen to be friends. It may be that no one else is looking for your dates, in which case you will have the booking on your own. Outside that timeframe, AOS is willing to have birders join forces to save costs. Please indicate that you are happy to have others join you when booking. If you would prefer to have an exclusive booking (outside the spring timeframe) please indicate that you would prefer others not to join you. However, it is at AOS's discretion as to whether one or two other birders join an already booked date.

See fees below for shared costs.

One day’s birding plus spotlighting for plains-wanderers, quail, native mammals etc: $756.00 AUD *

Thereafter the cost is:
AUD $625.00* per day if birding in the Deniliquin district.
AUD $760.00* per day in areas outside of the Deniliquin district, e.g., Chiltern, Ouyen etc.

AUD $555.00 if going out just for an evening. Usual starting time is 5 pm during the daylight saving period and 4 pm outside that timeframe.

* The cost can be shared by up to three birders. For example, $756 AUD (first day of sample itinerary) if shared by three birders is $252 AUD per person. A fourth birder also pays $252 AUD.

Motel charges and food are not included in the above costs. Clients will need to pay for the guide's accommodation and meals when away from Deniliquin. In country Australia three-star motel charges for a twin/single room are around $130.00 AUD. An all-inclusive price can be organised.

The Riverside Caravan/Cabin Park has a range of cabins as well as areas for vans and camping (+ 61 (0) 3 58811 284). E-mail:

Payment: For small personal tours (1-3 days), payment is due when booking.

Overseas clients: EFT (wire transfer) is our preferred method of payment.
Contact AOS for account details for an EFT.

Meals: Unlike our away from the Deniliquin district scheduled tours, such as Far North Queensland, Central Australia etc, meals are not provided on personal tours. However, meals can be organised for larger birding tour groups. Contact Patricia if your tour requires catering.

AOS does not have a credit card facility.

Payment to: Australian Ornithological Services P/L
P.O. Box 385
South Yarra 3141


personal tours |one to seven day itinerary |possible bird list


 2025 & 2026 Fee structure: $795 AUD day and evening excursion, $585 AUD evening only, $798 outside of the Deniliquin area but within our Vic mallee, NE Victoria, Melbourne stumping grounds. All sharable by up to three birders.